Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Yep, Some of Us Work...

...It's real easy for Dave to get the first post in this collaboration while I continue to work and pay taxes like a good leftist in order to continue to provide the funds for America to remain the country that gives everyone...and I mean everyone...an opportunity to be great.

As you can see, the Sidebar is forever expanding and will continue to do so in the next few days as I add Newspapers and Online News to the list of links.

Until then, I can't disagree with Dave on many things outside of his description of John Edwards, who always struck fear in the right by mentioning such taboo ideas like -- universal health care and fair wages and upward mobility for low-income families.

That John Edwards...a real scary guy.

Meanwhile Dave is right on a few things. Namely that 2006 should be a wake-up call for Republicans everywhere. Now don't call me crazy but I don't think the White House respects a wake-up call, hell they don't respect written documents like...The Constitution so why should they respect a wake-up call.

The Democrats are pitting their two heavy hitters against each other -- Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. There was no getting around this one as Obama had too much momentum stemming from 2004 not to run and Hillary has long since earmarked 2008 as "her" year. As always the concern when you put two pit bulls against, the Democrats should be concerned that they will eliminate each other.

The good thing is there's a lot of depth in the party. Guys like the aforementioned Edwards or Governor Bill Richardson are likable, electable candidates who will enjoy the Hillary-Obama fray and hope to gather enough electorates to stay alive.

And that's what it's all about in the 2008 race. Staying Alive.



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