Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Joe Scarborough makes a suggestion that AlBore should run in 2008.

Are you kidding me? This guy goes all Grizzly Adams after losing the election in 2000, then comes back and goes nuts saying he really won in 2000. Not only is this whacko a hypocrite, but he can't even win his own state.

How the hell can you expect to win an election if people in your own state don't even like you? Of course the hippies in Hollywood love him. But do we really need a bunch of high school drop outs that preach their morals tell you who to vote for?

But of course, they were right in 2004. Quit acting like you're the elitists of the country and start putting out decent movies.

Anyway, back to AlBore... His brainwashing didn't work on me when my wife dragged me to a James Blunt concert that showed his movie between two really crappy performances. So just like everyone said in 2006, This is going to be a bad year for hurricanes. Yes, that record snowfall here in sure was a fluke.

AlBore, stick to your tin foil hat theories, and show the democrats that pissed off liberals don't win elections. Maybe that hat is on too tight?

Then again, go ahead and run. Maybe in 2008, you guys can put up another terrible candidate that couldn't win against a rock. When are you democrats going to wake up?



At February 28, 2007 at 1:36 PM , Blogger Corey said...

AlBore? Can't do better than that Dave?

And you went to a James Blunt concert? HAHAHAHAHA!!!

At February 28, 2007 at 3:03 PM , Blogger David Frey said...

My wife made me.

At February 28, 2007 at 3:30 PM , Blogger Corey said...

Liar! You love James Blunt...


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