Sunday, January 6, 2008

Going Around the Horn

Hillary On Wrong End of Threesome: Barack Obama and John Edwards look more like running mates than competitors. Both men went on the attack against Hillary Clinton with 2008's new buzz word..."status quo".

Survey Sez: Hillary is in trouble.

Wolf Doesn't Get The Fox: Ron Paul is left out in cold, but New Hampshire says otherwise.

Romney Gets Love in Wyoming: And eight delegates as well. Fred Thompson picks up three and even Duncan Hunter snags one. As for John McCain? No dice. Things weren't all roses for the Massachusetts govenor as he continues to fight one attack after another with his own.

Weird Factoid of the Night: From our friends at the Washington Post

The Clinton campaign came to this debate loaded for bear. No sooner had Clinton accused Obama of flip-flopping on funding for the Iraq war, health care, and the Patriot Act, her spokesman Phil Singer emailed reporters with factual backup for the New York senator's charges. Here is a sample from the press release on the the Iraq War:

"As a Senate candidate in November 2003, Obama said he would have 'unequivocally' voted against war funding because it was the only way to oppose Bush on Iraq:"

"Just this week, when I was asked, would I have voted for the $87 billion dollars, I said 'no.' I said no unequivocally because, at a certain point, we have to say no to George Bush. If we keep on getting steamrolled, we are not going to stand a chance." [Obama remarks, New Trier Democratic Organization forum, 11/16/03 .]

"But until he ran for president, Obama supported every funding bill for Iraq." [The campaign goes on to list a long series of Obama votes.]

Flat-Out Lie of the Night: From who else but Mitt Romney, also thanks to the WP

Barack Obama "wants the government to take over health care." --Mitt Romney.

Nonsense. Obama's health care plan is arguably less radical than the one that Mitt Romney introduced in Massachusetts while he was governor. Obama has got into trouble with his fellow Democrats for not including an individual mandate in his health care plan, similar to the one that Romney introduced in Massachusetts. Obama has focused on bringing the price of health care down--not introducing government-run health care.

Three days and counting! Let the fists fly before the New Hampshire primary.

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