Thursday, January 10, 2008

Should They Stay or Go?

CNN and the AP are reporting that New Mexico Govenor Bill Richardson is going to bow out of the 2008 Democrats race for the presidential nomination.

It's a sad ending to what I expected would be a game effort behind the support of the nation's largest minority group, Hispanics. Unfortunately Richardson could never energy or finance his base like he wanted. He will most likely offer an endorsement to Barack Obama.

Meanwhile who else shows up in the "stay or go" category.

Rudy Guiliani: Rudy is opting to focus on 29 states including Florida and the majority of the states voting on Super Duper Tuesday, so he's not really bothered by his low numbers in Iowa or New Hampshire or so he says. Secretly you've got to be thinking he wanted to perform better than internet sensation Ron Paul. Still, until the 9-11 mayor, drastically falls on his face on February 5, we want him to stay.

Ron Paul: The internet sensation continues to perform right around fourth, putting him as the top B-teamer (with McCain, Romney and Huckabee considered the A-team) and really giving him a shot to speak at the Convention. I'm not sure if Paul will ever perform better than fourth place as a third-place finish would do wonders for his efforts. However, with plenty of money left in his war chest and a group of supporters willing to fight for his every word. I want Paul to stay until the Florida primary.

John Edwards: This is a tough one because Edwards performed so well in Iowa and is a legitimate third wheel on the Democrats A-team. That being said his likability showed a lot of flaws in the last week. He came out of Iowa almost arrogantly and tried to really group himself with Obama as being the ambassadors of change against status quo. But in reality who looks more like the status quo than John Edwards? He's a 50-year-old rich, white, lawyer who has the money to look like he's 35. He has a perma-smile and played John Cougar Mellencamp as his intro music before his speech in New Hampshire. If that ain't status quo I don't know what is. Neither Obama nor Hillary will probably consider Edwards as a running mate so he'll stay, but his appeal continues to decline with every word spoken out of his mouth. This hurts us because we love John Edwards' message and believe his heart is in the right if only someone other than John Edwards was speaking those words. For the sake of the country he wants to help, we beg John Edwards to leave the presidential race.

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At January 11, 2008 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Thank you!

At January 11, 2008 at 10:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I can do that no problem. Sorry I'm not too adapt with HTML, but I will link it however you want.


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