Thursday, March 8, 2007

Democrats Too Scared Of Fox news

John Edwards declined a debate hosted by the Nevada Democratic Party and Fox News stating that the cable news organization's participation was part of the reason for not attending.

In the article it states:
Online activists and bloggers quickly hailed the decision as a victory in their
campaign to urge Nevada Democrats to drop Fox News as a partner. Civic Action says it has
collected more than 260,000 signatures on a petition that calls the cable
network a "mouthpiece for the Republican Party, not a legitimate news

You've got to be kidding me. You need 260,000 signatures from a bunch of people to say they think Fox News is a little right wing. has to be the biggest bunch of losers, seriously.

Well, now that I think about it, 260,000 people signing a document on the internet sure has changed my mind. I've seen the light and I will never watch Fox News Channel again, and I will promptly send money to the DNC, PETA and



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