Know Your Candidate: John H. Cox
A quick gander at Cox's history will show you two things -- He's a neo-con and he's a highly unsuccessful candidate.
His record in elections is a very "A-Rod-in-the-playoffs" worthy 0-for-3.
In 2000 he lost in the Republican primary to replace an outgoing Congressman (losing to the former Congressman's aide).
In 2002 he lost in the Republican primary for the Illinois Senate Seat.
In 2004 he lost a bid to become the Cook County Recorder of Deeds to the incumbent Democrat. Cox ran under the platform that he was going to abolish the position (although I'm wondering if he was going to keep the paychecks).
It's really hard for me to handicap Cox's candidacy since he probably couldn't win an election in a Neighborhood Watch Association, but I move on.
A quick gander as Cox's website (when it's not down) shows that he is a conservative's conservative.
-- War in Iraq? Cox is down with it even going as far to mention the old rubbed out slogan "fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here."
-- Abortion? Cox believes life starts at the thought of conception (not really).
-- Gun Control? Hogwash. Every family should own four and if they can't get a license, he has connections.
-- Tax Control? Cox wants to do away with the IRS because all those numbers and additions get confusing. He's down with the "Fair Tax" which I can safely say I don't have an opinion on yet. However, I'm very worried about the people who support it.
He also wants to repeal the "No Child Left Behind" Act and promises to veto any budget that isn't balance. Cox supports marriage between a man and woman and says that the family farms are the backbone of this country.
His videos are pretty slick but he's asking for donations to keep them on air. Dude, why not try YouTube, it's free and more popular.
As for odds of victory. Well that would be nil. However, if they let Cox in the debates he could be entertaining.
Labels: Election 2008
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