Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Back from Vacation...

I took a good week trip with the wifey to the Dominican Republic. Why is this relevant? I came back with a realization of how poor another country can be and how great we have it here. So what does this have to do with anything? After driving through the countryside and seeing how people lived, I have a new sense of respect for the average person there. The poverty we have here is a joke compared to the folks there.

Most people in the world live like this and it's sad, but what can we do about it? Tax people to death and send money to corrupt countries? I've always had the feeling that we shouldn't send foreign aid and force charity on tax payers. I felt pretty good handing out cash down there to the poor, more than signing over a tax return to Uncle Sam.

Obama is talking about renewing our global relationships, which is great, but we still shouldn't be sending cash to save people.

Iraq? Maybe this trip could alter my view on the war...

Details later....

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