Wednesday, March 14, 2007

In Case You Missed This Bit of News...

...Ron Paul, a former Texas congressman who is self-described as a lifelong libertarian has thrown his hat in the ring for the GOP nomination of 2008.

Paul is no stranger to the presidential election process as he was the libertarian party candidate in 1988. He is, however, a stranger to actually receiving votes.

Paul's platform is that of returning the Republican party to its roots and investigating the president on whether he misinformed the public about his intentions to go to Iraq. Some might say that particular topic needs no investigation, but whatever.
"I'm very confident the Republican party has gone in the wrong direction," Paul said in his C-SPAN appearance. "We used to be the party of small government. Now we're the party of big government."

I'll toss his name on the chart soon enough. I'm sure I'll be crossing it out soonthereafter.



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