Friday, March 9, 2007

Hitlary *shhhh* tells what *shhhhh* she believes *shhhhh*

So if you're a major candidate in an election, you want to get your views across so people know where you stand. Not surprising the democratic party have been the party of choice for most homosexuals. So why is Hitlary so hush hush about it?

Senator Clinton is promoting exactly that, LaBarbera asserts. But politicians like her and Barack Obama "know that they can’t come out officially for homosexual so-called marriage," the Americans for Truth official says, "so they don’t take that last final step."

I don't understand. If you're running for an office, aren't you elected based on your beliefs? Personally I could care less what gay people do, and if they want to raise kids, let them. There are bad heterosexual couples raising kids too that suck. Not literally.

Is she going to court the "anti-god" group quitely to sell out to them as well? Perhaps when she talks to them she'll forget she's a churchie to change her accent for their votes too. Time will tell, and my question to a Hitlary supporter, "Would you stand by your spouse if they cheated on you?" If not, "why do you support someone to lead the country that does?"


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