Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Air America Throws Hat in Great Debate

The steady-but-surviving Air America Radio has made an offer to host a GOP Presidential debate in the light of Fox "News" recent attempt to lure Democratic presidential nominees onto their stage, the fledgling radio network has offered to give GOP presidental candidates an opportunity to talk to a different voter or as Rudy Guiliani calls them "his constituents".

Paraphrasing the letter:
[This debate] would allow Republicans to differentiate themselves from Democrats – embracing a debate hosted by a progressive media outlet after Nevada Democrats canceled a debate scheduled to be hosted by the conservative Fox Cable News Channel. The MoveOn organization spurred 265,000 people to complain about the original plan, calling Fox a “mouthpiece for the Republican Party.” In reply, Fox’s Mort Kondracke called the Nevada Democratic Party's rejection of Fox a “Stalinist” violation of “free speech and free debate.” So should you accept Air America's offer, Republicans would both embrace free debate and stick it to Stalin at the same time.

Come on GOP, what better way to represent America than on Air America? :)



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