Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tancredo Is Ready for Road Show...

...Stating that none of the GOP's current candidates are willing to speak about the issue of illegal immigration (presumably because they have yard work that needs to be done), Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo has officially entered the race to spread his message of exclusion and hate of all things non-WASP.

“The great tradition of the melting pot in America is not working,” Mr. Tancredo said. “The melting pot is cracked.”

Tancredo's Wikipedia entry shows a man devoted to his wife of 27 years and hell bent on ridding Colorado of illegal immigrants, unless they are working on the basement of his house. In which case he has adopted President Clinton's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

Tancredo's stance on immigration has gotten him into fights with Bush advisor Karl Rove to the point of where each has accused the other of being a traitor and Rove telling Tancredo not to "darken the doorstep of the White House" or he will treat him like a soldier at Walter Reed Hospital.

Tancredo's other controversies include referring to Miami as a "third-world country" and other general forms of hatred to people of color. He should be a welcome addition to the race!

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