Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday: Obama Takes Georgia...


This was not much of a surprise as Alabama looks to be the state that Clinton expected to fare better.

On the GOP side, however, it's a three-man battle between McCain, Romney and Huckabee.


Super Tuesday's First Winner: Huckabee??

In one of the one notable sissy fights in recent political memory, Mike Huckabee wins the West Virginia primary caucus GOP meeting of the minds due to a positional war between camps from John McCain and Mitt Romney.
Romney led after the first round of voting, but he didn't have enough support to win the state's 18 delegates. After the first ballot, Romney had 41 percent, Huckabee had 33 percent, McCain had 15.5 percent, and Ron Paul had 10 percent, according to the Gazette.

Under convention rules, a candidate must get at least 50 percent to win the delegates. Also under the rules, Paul was taken off the second ballot.

A McCain representative urged his supporters to back Huckabee on the second ballot. "The best scenario for the McCain campaign was to not have a Romney victory here today," Gary Abernathy, a McCain supporter and former state GOP director, told the Gazette.


And the anti-McCain people have come back fighting with both guns blazin', the most notable of these foot soldiers is Dr. James Dobson, the found of Focus on the Family, who says he'd never vote for the lovable straight-talkin' Arizona Senator and former Vietnam War Hero.

Not all the GOP talk is anti-McCain, however, as former presidential "candidate" and the original GOP grandfather, Bob Dole, spoke on behalf of his fellow Senator and War Hero in a letter where he told conservative "pundit" Rush Limbaugh to...shut up.
"I worked closely with Senator McCain when he came to the Senate in 1987 until I departed," Dole, the former Senate Republican leader, wrote. McCain's campaign released a copy yesterday.

"I cannot recall a single instance when he did not support the party on critical votes. (At my age, I cannot be entirely certain but here are a few key conservative examples)," wrote the 84-year-old Dole.

Limbaugh, of course, ran to the closest available microphone and replied...so did his new BFF Mitt Romney, who said that Bob Dole is "probably the last person I would have wanted to have write a letter for me."

A day later Romney backpeddled like a little bitch and showed proper respect to his GOP superior.
"Let me make it very clear. Senator Dole is an American hero, a war hero, a fine man and a great leader for our party," Romney said in Charleston, W.Va., where GOP voters were a holding a state convention Tuesday.
Yeah...you better make that clear pal!

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