Friday, April 6, 2007

The pretty boy

So the pretty boy is back. The 50 something Senator is taking a stab against a fierce competition.
The Senator for North Carolina used to be a trial lawyer. Jerk.
So I admit, which makes my fellow GOP'ers cringe is that in early 2004, I was planning on voting for him. Yes, it's true.
I tend to try to give everyone a fair shake at things and he was the only candidate from the "other side" that was actually being positive and not bashing his fellow party members for a half of a percent poll increase.
Issues aside, he seemed to me like a great guy. So when he finally conceded and we were left with the flip-flopper, I thought, OK, maybe this guy can actually get Kerry to be positive and I'll actually vote on other side this year for the president.
That never happened.
I hope he'll stay positive towards his campaign, I may actually listen. It's doubtful after he bashed Cheney's daughter for being a carpet muncher that I'll consider him.
This election, his wife is facing cancer. What's ironic is that it seems that if this would happen on the other side, the "peaceful" leftists would be cheering on her death. But people seem to respect both of them because since he's a democrat, it's totally different.
Edwards is for eliminating poverty, universal health care, and fighting global warming. So instead of the poverty line in the US being 2 televisions, I guess he'd like to give them three. Universal health care means that we'll double our taxes, get worse service and have to wait 50 months for a heart transplant. It's working in Canada, isn't it? Then there's the global warming myth.
Seems like another chicken little kook liberal.
Good luck.
Odds of winning the dem nod: 1000 to 1
Odds of winning the presidency: Same as Larry Bird's word that another Pacer wont get arrested.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tancredo Is Ready for Road Show...

...Stating that none of the GOP's current candidates are willing to speak about the issue of illegal immigration (presumably because they have yard work that needs to be done), Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo has officially entered the race to spread his message of exclusion and hate of all things non-WASP.

“The great tradition of the melting pot in America is not working,” Mr. Tancredo said. “The melting pot is cracked.”

Tancredo's Wikipedia entry shows a man devoted to his wife of 27 years and hell bent on ridding Colorado of illegal immigrants, unless they are working on the basement of his house. In which case he has adopted President Clinton's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

Tancredo's stance on immigration has gotten him into fights with Bush advisor Karl Rove to the point of where each has accused the other of being a traitor and Rove telling Tancredo not to "darken the doorstep of the White House" or he will treat him like a soldier at Walter Reed Hospital.

Tancredo's other controversies include referring to Miami as a "third-world country" and other general forms of hatred to people of color. He should be a welcome addition to the race!

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