Friday, March 30, 2007

All Else Fails...Support the Actor...

Now Fred Thompson hasn't officially run yet, but is there any doubt that the right's best chance of winning lies with him or Mike Huckabee with the main difference being that no one's heard of Huckabee?

The most recent USA Today Gallup Poll shows Thompson, a former Senator in Tennessee as well as star of NBC's Law and Order franchise, in third-place behind former NYC Mayor and noted homewrecker Rudy Guiliani and loveable grandpa-figure John McCain.

Thompson's emergence seemed to hinder Guiliani's chances to break away from the pack and many of Guiliani's dwindling percentage points went to the former Senator/current thespian presumably based on the fact that Thompson's kids actually like him and he didn't fuck any of his secretaries while in office (although that is unconfirmed).

Things aren't all rosy for ol' Arthur Branch, however, as he has been quickly attacked by the religious wingnuts right for not being a Christian. This claim is a claim Thompson's people have quickly denied.

Oddly enough the power is in third right now with Thompson and Al Gore both holding third-place positions in their respective party's polls and surely will move to the top if presidential announcements come forward.

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Only in Indiana

As I start out my typical day, I do a good 30 to 60 minutes of web surfing to catch up on all the latest news, sports, etc. Typically once a week I'll check out Gary Varvel's blog on my hometown newspaper website, The Indianapolis Star. Typically his political cartoons are support of our local politics, the same inner bickering that goes on between our governor and the house majority leader, but he'll also go into national issues as well.

What caught my eye this week was this:

This is typical Indiana for you. Then I got to thinking, this is your democratic candidate Al Gore. I started going through some of the comments, and sure enough, there were pissed off tree-huggers. You rarely see comments for local issues but when you bash Al Gore, game on!

Gary Varvel is very entertaining, yet, dead on. Are there just a bunch of hippies that are living in their parent's basement that frequent message boards because they're too afraid to go out and actually live life? They'd rather sit back and support a hypocrite like Al Gore because the sun's rays will surely give them a little sunburn.

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