Many mornings your fearless Strategery '08 leaders sit for a virtual coffee (or green tea in RCL's case) and chat about the issues. Here is one of those chats.
David: Ha ha. You're just mad that she's a GOP sista
RCL: No, I'm serious, you stay off my side of the ledger. I won't interfere with your unfair bashing of Hillary and Al
David: I figured since she wasn't a candidate yet... but okay
RCL: If anyone is going to speak about Condi's big ass teeth, it's going to be me
David: But it's an interesting theory
RCL: Condi's huge choppers. It is, but she's so not a candidate. Why are you guys bashing McCain so much?
David: I'm not following mccain, they don't like him because he's a left righty
RCL: So is Guiliani
David: that's what they need
RCL: at least McCain is a war hero and a loveable grandpa-like figure like Ronald Reagan, but alive and a war hero.
David: he's also viewed as a wacko
RCL: by who?
David: the righties, because he spent too much time in a cage
RCL: Oh yes, that rational group of thinkers over there
David: that's what i heard, he's very visable, i wish he'd won in 2000
RCL: You, me and about 100,000 men and women of the military
David: i've never talked to anyone in the military that's against the war only the few that takes and exploits
RCL: that's because you don't talk to the generals and the people in charge
David: Nope
RCL: One of your own, Joe Scarborough, even said this week that every high-ranking officer in Iraq believes this war has completely failed. Joe Scarborough. NOT a liberal. I mean Joe is about as non-liberal as it gets, a real white dude
David: so
RCL: almost transparent
David: the muslim population will explode in the next 20 years anyway
RCL: Here's my issue with Condi in the race, besides those massive choppers, she's going to be linked with Bush and the people ain't having it
David: she's a black chick and you hate it
RCL: I actually like many elements of Condi. I think she's very smart. I think she's very smooth because she wisely avoids a lot of the media missles that target the Bush administration. She's not teflon, but she's close, she's stayed loyal to the administration without getting dragged into the negatives
David: my brother says she's a sell out
RCL: That goes without saying
David: whoring out Dubya's failed policies
RCL: but who doesn't sell out in politics? Politics is the only profession where selling out is considered a positive
David: like hillary changing her accent with every speech to please people
RCL: She doesn't do anything my mom didn't do, Mom's voice in New York and her voice in South Carolina are very different.
RCL: Can you believe Hillary was the leader of the College Republicans at Wellesley College
David: she went downhill
RCL: but civil rights influenced her political life, yeah those damn civil rights
David: i didn't know that though. Is wellesley college all liberal?
RCL: Umm no it's a LIBERAL ARTS college
David: figured so
RCL: all-female liberal arts college
David: i still can't stand her. Hi, i live in arkansas, hi i live in washington, oh, let's move to hippie NY and become a senator
RCL: you don't even know why you don't like her...Because she moves?\
David: she's a yes ma'am, and will do whatever it takes to win votes, no backbone
RCL: a yes ma'am?
David: yeah, and national health care sucks, hold on
David: okay, work called, yeah, national health care sucks and so does she
RCL: so it's the national health care thing that bothers you
David: that's one thing, plus she usually votes straight liberal
RCL: no she doesn't
David: i'd vote for obama before hiltary
RCL: that's fine. There's no problem with that. But these reasons...most of them aren't even true
yes National health care is an issue, but she does not vote straight liberal, check her record, it's scarily moderate.
David: the majority of her votes are liberal
RCL: she sides with the right on almost 50% of her votes
David: there's no way in bloody hell she does, yer a liar!
RCL: am not, check her record!
David: i will check her record, for me to poop on
RCL: See you don't care about her record, every one says "check "such and such's" record" and no, one ever does, they just believe what they believe.
David: No, i just don't have time to research it at work, but i will, i just don't believe it, but i'll check it out to prove a black hippie from florida wrong
RCL: you do that
David: i will
RCL: you won't do it
David: not today, no
RCL: I might not even be telling the truth but you'll never check
David: yes i will
RCL: you won't, you'll check one vote and base an opinion on that one vote
David: no i wont biatch
RCL: I'm going to post this conversation to give you incentive!
David: ok
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