Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Today's Chat (3/14)

Every now and then RCL and David get together for a chat and it yields interesting results:


David: You're going down
RCL: yeah yeah
David: I'm from Indiana biatch
RCL: Terra haute...that don't count
David: Larry Buuurd
RCL: one player, I'm from NYC, hundreds of players
David: Yes, true, but taht's because there's like 20 million people there and there's no grass
RCL: this is somewhat true (actually 8.5 million), and there's plenty of grass Central Park for example, acres of grass
David: that doesn't count
RCL: why not?
David: the homeless go there to poop
RCL: no they don't
David: where do they go? It's a legit question!
RCL: probably in a public restroom
David: See, you don't know, it's like WMD's, you can only speculate where they make poo, you have your ideas, but you don't know, and your best spies say they do
RCL: Well there's a simple difference, the human body dictates that the homeless poop somewhere
David: ha ha
RCL: there is no actual existence of WMDs, unless GW has the receipt
David: maybe the WMDs are used at fertilizer as well
RCL: maybe
RCL: So you read the recent poll on Republican voters saying they want more options? What's with that? You've got a pretty diverse group of GOP guys IMO
David: I don't follow polls
RCL: Ok Dubya
David: They probably want more conservative people, those are the same polls that had Kerry winning by 4
RCL: That's what I'm thinking, they want an electable conservative
David: If they put up a conservative, they'll lose
RCL: What makes you figure that?
David: figure what, i forget what i said
RCL: If they put up a conservative, they'll lose
David: the middle base won’t elect another bush type, the middle is what wins the election but if they do put up hillary, they'll lose
David: Have you watched Borat?
RCL: Unfortunately no, I've heard two opinions -- either it's the funniest movie ever or its a disgusting crap fest. I'm sure it's in the middle
David: Ah, yea, I'm in the middle too, it's worth seeing though
RCL: OK. I just saw Little Miss Sunshine at the request of a friend
David: There's a lot of fakeness to it. I rented it yesterday, but haven't seen it yet
RCL: I think you'll enjoy it, very dark comedy
David: thats what I heard too, Steve Carrel is this generation's Jim carrey
RCL: He's a much better actor and much funnier than Carrey, plus he's not Canadian
David: He's a guy you have to like him to like him....same as carrey, you either "get it" or you don't
RCL: I think Carrel is a much smarter comedian. Carrey was so slapstick and dopey Carrel used dialouge over physical.
David: true
RCL: I think Carrey and Will Ferrell are more comparable
David: totally. i'm just talking about carrey was a last generation comedian, very popular, but his humor isn't going to work anymore
RCL: ahh, that's true, he's in thrillers and horror movies now, which is a good move
David: he's trying to be a serious actor, not another ventura
RCL: Jesse Ventura was a very serious actor
David: yep
David: Now THAT acares me
RCL: what? A stable housing market?
David: No, people purchasing houses with an adjustable mortgage rate, ones they can't afford figuring they can wait a year and make a 10% profit, If house mortgage prices go up to say 8 or 9 percent...
RCL: *nods*
David: i doubt it jumps like that, but 2 decades ago i think the rates were in the teens
RCL: that's correct much harder to buy a house in the old days
David: The majority of americans live off of revolving credit
David: Who is all in the bracket on yahoo? A bunch of NY'ers?
RCL: No, actually a bunch of Chowds probably, Amy is from Maine
David: Chowds... my favorite
RCL: Who doesn't love chowds?
David: Me
RCL: why not?
David: They talk weird, and are mostly liberals
RCL: You love liberals though
David: I love to hold their head under water for 2 minutes, sure
RCL: why are you so bitter? It comes across in your posts, here I am, having fun, enjoying the challenge
David: ha ha
RCL: while you can't get past name calling :0
David: i think i see something that makes me mad and motivates me to post on there, I've been so busy to actually write something decent
RCL: is that all you conservatives can do? Name call
David: Yeah, basturrrd
RCL: Calling people unAmerican and challenge their patriotism
David: You can't
RCL: is that what the Grand Old White Party has reverted itself too/
David: Hitlary being able to wear a tin foil hat is being american
RCL: *shakes head*


In Case You Missed This Bit of News...

...Ron Paul, a former Texas congressman who is self-described as a lifelong libertarian has thrown his hat in the ring for the GOP nomination of 2008.

Paul is no stranger to the presidential election process as he was the libertarian party candidate in 1988. He is, however, a stranger to actually receiving votes.

Paul's platform is that of returning the Republican party to its roots and investigating the president on whether he misinformed the public about his intentions to go to Iraq. Some might say that particular topic needs no investigation, but whatever.
"I'm very confident the Republican party has gone in the wrong direction," Paul said in his C-SPAN appearance. "We used to be the party of small government. Now we're the party of big government."

I'll toss his name on the chart soon enough. I'm sure I'll be crossing it out soonthereafter.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Old Hag puts on the tin foil hat and prepares for pissed off liberalism, again...

Hitlary Clinton spoke to her fellow tin foil clan talking about how all the Republicans are out to get her.

This same conspiracy is back again after a decade when her great husband didn't drop his load on that famous blue dress worn by a cow.

Once again, pissed off liberalism is back again, a year earlier...

Air America Throws Hat in Great Debate

The steady-but-surviving Air America Radio has made an offer to host a GOP Presidential debate in the light of Fox "News" recent attempt to lure Democratic presidential nominees onto their stage, the fledgling radio network has offered to give GOP presidental candidates an opportunity to talk to a different voter or as Rudy Guiliani calls them "his constituents".

Paraphrasing the letter:
[This debate] would allow Republicans to differentiate themselves from Democrats – embracing a debate hosted by a progressive media outlet after Nevada Democrats canceled a debate scheduled to be hosted by the conservative Fox Cable News Channel. The MoveOn organization spurred 265,000 people to complain about the original plan, calling Fox a “mouthpiece for the Republican Party.” In reply, Fox’s Mort Kondracke called the Nevada Democratic Party's rejection of Fox a “Stalinist” violation of “free speech and free debate.” So should you accept Air America's offer, Republicans would both embrace free debate and stick it to Stalin at the same time.

Come on GOP, what better way to represent America than on Air America? :)


Monday, March 12, 2007

Rudy Says Yes to Abortion Funding...

...Sure the film is from 1989 but do you think the conservatives are going to mention that.

Who's more "liberal" Rudy or Hillary? It's a close race.
