Today's Chat (3/14)
Every now and then RCL and David get together for a chat and it yields interesting results:
David: You're going down
RCL: yeah yeah
David: I'm from Indiana biatch
RCL: Terra haute...that don't count
David: Larry Buuurd
RCL: one player, I'm from NYC, hundreds of players
David: Yes, true, but taht's because there's like 20 million people there and there's no grass
RCL: this is somewhat true (actually 8.5 million), and there's plenty of grass Central Park for example, acres of grass
David: that doesn't count
RCL: why not?
David: the homeless go there to poop
RCL: no they don't
David: where do they go? It's a legit question!
RCL: probably in a public restroom
David: See, you don't know, it's like WMD's, you can only speculate where they make poo, you have your ideas, but you don't know, and your best spies say they do
RCL: Well there's a simple difference, the human body dictates that the homeless poop somewhere
David: ha ha
RCL: there is no actual existence of WMDs, unless GW has the receipt
David: maybe the WMDs are used at fertilizer as well
RCL: maybe
RCL: So you read the recent poll on Republican voters saying they want more options? What's with that? You've got a pretty diverse group of GOP guys IMO
David: I don't follow polls
RCL: Ok Dubya
David: They probably want more conservative people, those are the same polls that had Kerry winning by 4
RCL: That's what I'm thinking, they want an electable conservative
David: If they put up a conservative, they'll lose
RCL: What makes you figure that?
David: figure what, i forget what i said
RCL: If they put up a conservative, they'll lose
David: the middle base won’t elect another bush type, the middle is what wins the election but if they do put up hillary, they'll lose
David: Have you watched Borat?
RCL: Unfortunately no, I've heard two opinions -- either it's the funniest movie ever or its a disgusting crap fest. I'm sure it's in the middle
David: Ah, yea, I'm in the middle too, it's worth seeing though
RCL: OK. I just saw Little Miss Sunshine at the request of a friend
David: There's a lot of fakeness to it. I rented it yesterday, but haven't seen it yet
RCL: I think you'll enjoy it, very dark comedy
David: thats what I heard too, Steve Carrel is this generation's Jim carrey
RCL: He's a much better actor and much funnier than Carrey, plus he's not Canadian
David: He's a guy you have to like him to like him....same as carrey, you either "get it" or you don't
RCL: I think Carrel is a much smarter comedian. Carrey was so slapstick and dopey Carrel used dialouge over physical.
David: true
RCL: I think Carrey and Will Ferrell are more comparable
David: totally. i'm just talking about carrey was a last generation comedian, very popular, but his humor isn't going to work anymore
RCL: ahh, that's true, he's in thrillers and horror movies now, which is a good move
David: he's trying to be a serious actor, not another ventura
RCL: Jesse Ventura was a very serious actor
David: yep
David: Now THAT acares me
RCL: what? A stable housing market?
David: No, people purchasing houses with an adjustable mortgage rate, ones they can't afford figuring they can wait a year and make a 10% profit, If house mortgage prices go up to say 8 or 9 percent...
RCL: *nods*
David: i doubt it jumps like that, but 2 decades ago i think the rates were in the teens
RCL: that's correct much harder to buy a house in the old days
David: The majority of americans live off of revolving credit
David: Who is all in the bracket on yahoo? A bunch of NY'ers?
RCL: No, actually a bunch of Chowds probably, Amy is from Maine
David: Chowds... my favorite
RCL: Who doesn't love chowds?
David: Me
RCL: why not?
David: They talk weird, and are mostly liberals
RCL: You love liberals though
David: I love to hold their head under water for 2 minutes, sure
RCL: why are you so bitter? It comes across in your posts, here I am, having fun, enjoying the challenge
David: ha ha
RCL: while you can't get past name calling :0
David: i think i see something that makes me mad and motivates me to post on there, I've been so busy to actually write something decent
RCL: is that all you conservatives can do? Name call
David: Yeah, basturrrd
RCL: Calling people unAmerican and challenge their patriotism
David: You can't
RCL: is that what the Grand Old White Party has reverted itself too/
David: Hitlary being able to wear a tin foil hat is being american
RCL: *shakes head*
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